Our Mission
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” or as one translation says “you will truly be the children of liberty.” John 8:36.
Simply, Liberate Ministries is about helping people, marriages and families find restoration in everyday life and in the area of abortion.
I experienced miraculous healing from God in my marriage and after my abortion. I help others do the same.
To advance freedom and liberty, I do what is needed at the time. Where God is shining His light, I want to be active. For example, I've Shared my testimony: at the MN State Capitol, steps of the U.S. Supreme Court Washington D.C., Mexico and Israel. I appeared on Faces of Abortion TV show, Sky Angel Network as a guest on marriage, was Interviewed on Cradle My Heart Radio on overcoming infertility after abortion. I participated in CNN’s, "How Abortion Affects People" study and my testimony is posted.
On January 22, 2008, I was at the Washington March for Life (35th year of Roe). I was honored to march alongside Norma Roe, Dr. Alveda King, Georgette Forney, Janet Morana, Dr. Theresa Burke, Father Frank Pavone, Deb Prokop, Ann Marie Cosgrove of National Silent No More Awareness. From The Justice Foundation, I met Allan Parker, Clayton Trotter and the women of Operation Outcry.
Photo: Jeff and Julie serving at a citywide church event.
Film Involvement
Films are powerful tools that can entertain, educate and impact us for a lifetime. It is for these reasons that Liberate Ministries is active and supportive of films that focus on, or touch upon life issues.
From attending and promoting premieres, to being a resource for people after they watch a film, Liberate Ministries is involved with films in many ways. Liberate Ministries joins with: global pregnancy centers, abortion recovery networks, lawyers, film producers, media personalities, religious leaders, politicians, sponsors, universal student groups and ministries, bringing life issues to the forefront, to end abortion and bring healing to the nations.
Here are some of the films we have been involved with and how you might watch them:
Photo: Jeff (left), actress Shari Wiedmann (center) from the film October Baby, Julie (right).

Get Our Books Now
Lady Liberty Book & Workbook
A Post-Abortive Story of Healing
by Julie Weber
The book, Lady Liberty blends artwork and testimony to tell Julie Weber’s story of being set free from the negative effects of her abortion experience. Lady Liberty is a strong statement of God’s desire to heal and restore that which is broken in our lives.