Great News!
There is life for marriages after abortion.
All is not hopeless. Remember, Jesus came that we might have life abundantly (John 10:10). You may be asking, why do I need healing for my marriage?
Simply stated, abortion’s after effects are like death, to relationships. If not identified and dealt with, they weaken the glue keeping couples together. So much so, that just one year after their abortion, many dating or married couples are not together anymore. Once separated, the women and men carry their abortion experience with them into their future relationships.
Congratulations to couples who are still together, they have defied the odds. Despite surviving, they may still face unresolved issues relating back to the abortion. The emotions of un-forgiveness, anger, shame, guilt and distrust are just a few, that can have their roots in un-resolved abortions.
At Liberate Ministries, we believe that with the power of God, couples can not only survive, but thrive!
Where Do You Go From Here?
Realize you are not alone. Millions have had the procedure. Your thoughts may line up with one of the following:
You know your marriage needs help.
You don’t need any convincing that there are issues that you need to deal with from the past.
You are uncertain if your relationship is being affected by your past abortion.
You might be skeptical.
You question whether there is any connection to any areas you are struggling in.
You have taken some steps to healing in the past, perhaps for yourself only.
You wonder if more healing would be helpful for your present relationship.
Whichever way you are thinking, it doesn’t change the recommendation. Be encouraged, you owe it to yourself, to take the next step by viewing the relationship series videos. Starting with relationship video 1 - click here. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Since the ministry is now online, we have taken the information from our freedom and liberate seminars and combined them into a relationship video series. These are free and can be watched in over 10 different languages.